CAT in Australia
Cognitive Analytic Therapy came to Melbourne, Australia in 2001 because of its versatility and
humanistic approach to complexity. Through HYPE, a tertiary mental health
service for young people at Orygen Youth Health, CAT was engaged to
be the main therapeutic intervention. Tony Ryle (the originator of CAT) and Ian Kerr were
consulted and provided training and supervision to the clinicians in the HYPE program.
The Australians continued to be supported by the UK group, coming out in 2003 to train forty
clinicians and supervising via telephone, leading to an Australian course at Orygen, National
Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health. The two-year training to be a CAT
practitioner, supported by ICATA, was established in 2013 and continues to this day.
Australia and New Zealand come together under the same National association, ANZACAT
(Australian and New Zealand Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy) and hold a shared
conference every two years. Australia has training courses, at Orygen and In Dialogue
Official Website
ICATA Member Association:
Australian and New Zealand Association of Cognitive Analytic Therapy